About Paola Rossetti: Lawyer, Advocate, Writer

Paola Rossetti
2 min readDec 31, 2020

Welcome! My name is Paola Rossetti and I am new to many worlds — law, writing, and advocacy. I am fortunate to have a job where I can work from home as a Law Clerk for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

My passion for health law and disability advocacy sparked my interest in writing on Medium. When the COVID-19 pandemic started just a few months after I got my attorney license in Massachusetts, I found myself in an employment gap due to a variety of factors. This meant I had a bit of extra time on my hands for the first time I could remember.

The spare time was short-lived, but during that time I realized that mainstream writers and journalists were not publishing stories on topics that were, in my opinion, critical and desperately in need of voices.

Instead of continuing to complain privately, I decided I would start writing about these “abandoned” topics myself — publicly.

Of course I had that “why would anyone care what I have to say?” mentality at first and this still goes through my mind as a new writer. Yet, as I shared my stories and received feedback, I realized that there were others who appreciated the topics I wrote about.

Think Outside The Box by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash



Paola Rossetti

Health and disability law attorney and advocate. Testimony to remove a judge at https://malegislature.gov/Events/Hearings/Detail/4721/Video1 (start 2:04:00)